Hey friends I can’t tell you how much I enjoy the holidays. My family definitely knows how to party. We turn any gathering into a full-on party with music, games (UNO is a household favorite), and more food than our bellies can hold!
While this time of year often brings relaxation and time spent with loved ones, did you also know that the holiday months provides time to prepare for job opportunities?
Put yourself in the shoes of an executive or a hiring leader who has already planned company-wide goals for the upcoming year. So what happens next? Well you may have guessed it, planning for headcount. Questions swirling around may sound like, “How many employees do we need to hire to meet our goals?”
That's why when the new year begins an uptick in new job openings increases.
In my research I found that 55% of companies plan to hire in the new year! How exciting would it be to begin the new year with a new job? Here are a few ways you can get ready and take action!
Preparation Step #1:
Begin the job search. Start searching on job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn to check out the job market and see who’s hiring.
Preparation Step #2:
Update your resume! Book a consultation with me to review your existing resume and we will discuss your skillset and key strengths to build out a compelling career story.
Preparation Step #3:
Set aside daily time to pray. I can speak from personal experience on how Jesus has revealed unique opportunities that were perfect just for me! My clients have also shared dozens of testimonies on landing new gigs that were perfectly suited for them. Get excited about the New Year and don’t spend much time thinking about the past or what you should’ve done. Nor should you stress about the future. Be present by preparing yourself, now.
The Lord created each and everyone of us and He knows the opportunity that’s perfect for you!
Trust the process, and His timing. God is faithful and will lead you to the opportunities that are designed just for you. Use this time to prepare and you’ll certainly start the next decade with success.
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 NLT
Oh and if you’re looking to get your worship on, check out one of my favorite songs by
Danny Coker, “Haven‘t Seen it Yet”
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!